Sam's 4 months old! Today he went for his 4-month checkup at the doctor's office. Sam got a couple of shots, but he did great. He's up to 13 lbs 4 oz, and 24" long. Look how big he's getting:
Every weekend we try to have an outing together as a family. Last Sunday we got a lot of snow, so we bundled Sam up in his "bear" fleece and took him to one of our favorite coffee shops. We sat and had coffee in front of their fireplace--Sam took a nap while Mike worked on his computer and I read a book.
I'm not sure what Sam thought about the fleece. He was warm, but he looks..surprised?
Sam's not strong enough to make it squeak yet, but still has fun playing with the squeaky elephant from Grandma Carol and Grandpa Jim... though "playing" usually means chewing on his trunk :)